This is a week our two old but I havent had much time to take any new pictures.I will take some new ones next week and post them.Yeah I think that I am feeling alittle better the mourning sickness has eased up but I am still tired all the time.And I have a sty.
Friday, June 09, 2006
I have had a busy week well not really unless you call hovering over the tolite with mourning sickness.My baby has been crying for two days.So I took him to see his docter today and the docter found nothing wound with him.Except he may be teething.Well I dont know but I will be glad when we both fell better...Maybe its that old ladies falt that lives beside me you know the one that keeps posting for me..And I am not sure how she got my password because I dont even know it never had to use it....hum ......
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
On the go baby.Robert just loves this ball Mom told me today that she has been posting on remarks for me,So if there are any mean ones it wasn't me